Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm Blue (da ba de da ba dye)

While at a work function the other month we were all given the Color Personality Test.  I have always found personality quizzes to be fun and entertaining, but have never found them to be very ground- breaking.  The Color Personality Test (Blue- Orange- Gold- Green version) http://www.truecolorscareer.com/quiz.asp for me however, is spot on.  There are things I have learned from this personality test that I thought either

A) everyone did and learned that in fact it is a trait specific to my color type You mean not everyone has to say 'I love you' to their significant other every time they get off the phone? Not everyone needs direct eye contact when having a conversation with another?
B) Things that I thought only I did that I felt made me a tad odd, but learned were actually also specific to my color type.  I am not the only one who cries when frustrated and has to share my feelings At. This. Exact. Moment. ?

Internet, welcome to the world of a blue.  I have taken two different versions of the quiz and both have come out blaringly similar.  Mostly blue with orange being a distant runner up.

What does that mean?  Well I am so glad you asked :) In short blues seek harmony and respond to things based on emotions, golds appreciate order, structure, and responsiblity, oranges are energetic, seek change and thrills, and greens are analytical, appreciate logic and intellectual discovery.  This is why an orange may not be happy as a data processor or a blue may freeze at the thought of joining the debate team.  Of course we are all a mix of each personality color and no two people are exactly the same, but this is a fun way to understand your own strengths and weaknesses.  Go ahead and try it for fun. . .

What color are you?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

AH- Mazing!

I am starting a new section to share with all of you the discoveries that I have found to be wonderful, things that add a little sparkle to the daily grind known as life.  So many products are hyped up beyond belief to often leave the consumer, well, underwhelmed at best.  I was reading a favorite blog http://nothingbutbonfires.com/ the other day and it seems that we women are often led on by the claims of mascara ads, often finding by trial and error that each one sadly does not leave us with a lush bouquet of fringe at the end of our eyelids.  Well, I can't change that, but I can share with you some of my favorite discoveries. I hope it brings a little dazzle to your day.  If you have any Ah-Mazing discoveries you would like to share as well, feel free to add it as a comment.  Think of it as a public service announcement for us tired consumers.  Count it as your good deed for the day and give yourself a pat on the back.

Let me start off the first AH-Mazing with an absolutely fabulous dessert that has cured my blues, bad days, and meh Thursdays within the first bite.  Friends please let me introduce you to
Trader Joe's Chocolate Lava Cakes!

If you have not had the pleasure of  experiencing one of these tasty little chocolate pucks of ecstasy, run don't walk to your nearest Trader Joe's!  At about $3.00 for a pack of 2, decadent has never come so cheap.  One of my favorite parts is that they only take 45 seconds in the microwave.  I am one that is often impatient with my chocolate intake; when I need my chocolate fix, I NEED IT NOW!  45 seconds is just the right amount of time to do a little "I'm having a lava cake" dance next to the microwave (yes, the dance really does exist) and grab the cool- whip from the fridge and prepare for a little slice of heaven.  Cool whip only accentuates the deliciousness.  If you do not come from the "chocolate is fantastic" camp, I am slightly confused, however a little pleased that there with be more cakes for me.

Sincerely, Lo

Monday, January 18, 2010

Holiday Hiatus

Christmas with Bono

What a jam packed month of December! J and I celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah so from November 26th to January 1st it is party, party, party! Add a good friend's out-of-state wedding in there and our celebrate-o-meters were about to combust! I thouroughly enjoyed this holiday season (not always my favorite time of year since I lost my little brother) but this year I jumped into Christmas head-on leaving no tradition untouched. Cookie exchanges, holiday plays, decorations, homeade cards, gifting the perfect presents, and much, much more. But what was my favorite holiday memory of 2009? Hands down- giving my parents their Christmas gift. What could we possibly have given them to make such a memorable moment you ask? U2 tickets! My family has a great love for Bono and U2, we love all the songs- ecspecially from the Joshua Tree album. When I found out they were coming to our area, I called my brother and immediately we began making arrangements. Fast foreward 4 weeks later to my parents opening their gifts. They are unwrapping their presents, but neither have their reading glasses on, U2 tickets ?!? my day exclaims. Immediately my mother leaps up and starts shouting for joy. It is then when I proclaim that all 6 of us our attending that I too am leaping around with excitement. My dad later tells us that he couldn't read U2- he was just guessing. I am so glad he guessed right. What a buzzkill if they were really tickets for Shakespear in the Park. This brings me one step closer to my lifetime goal of meeting the Dublin Prince (I made that up- nice huh?)

Happy Anniversay

In keeping with celebrations, I must mention that J and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary! It was perfect. J woke me up with breakfast in bed ( my favorite! ) and red roses. We then put on our Vikings Jerseys and cheered on our hometeam. We were also able to eat the top of our wedding cake. It was still delicious. It is crazy how the taste of something can bring back memories. We then finished out the evening with dinner at Maggiano's and a movie. To be continued ...